OCR - AS GCE European and World History
Period Studies
F 962

Unit 1 Europe and the World: Germany, 1919-63

Essay Question

Examiner's Specific Advice

The best answers will focus on a number of possible reasons why Hitler came to power in 1933, have arguments arranged into structured paragraphs, and use knowledge to support explanations. Above all, they will offer comparative assessments of different factors ranging from the personal - for instance Hitler's oratorical skills - to the global. They will discuss the relative importance of events both national and international, such as the weakness of the Weimar system or the Depression. Less effective essays are likely to supply more general comments without relevant supporting details. They will probably consider one or two issues rather than several, and will fail to use their historical knowledge effectively.

Exemplar Question

  1. Assess the reasons why Hitler came to power in 1933. [50 marks]