OCR - AS GCE British History
Period Studies
F 961

Unit 1 England under Elizabeth I, 1558-1603

Additional Sample Questions

  1. How successfully did Elizabeth I deal with her financial problems?
  2. How convincing is the claim that Parliament became more powerful during the reign of Elizabeth I?
  3. Assess the claim that religion caused the most serious quarrels between Elizabeth I and Parliament.
  4. How powerful and popular was Elizabeth I at the end of her reign?
  5. How effectively did Elizabeth I control her ministers?
  6. How far do you agree that the powers of the monarchy were not seriously weakened during the reign of Elizabeth I?
  7. Assess the role of the Privy Council in Elizabeth I's system of government.
  8. Assess the role of Elizabeth I's ministers in her government to 1603.
  9. How far do you agree that parliamentary privilege was the most important cause of disputes between Elizabeth and Parliament during her reign?