OCR - AS GCE British History
Period Studies
F 961

Unit 1 Domestic Issues, 1918-51

Essay Question

Examiner's Specific Advice

The question demands an assessment of the economic and political consequences of the General Strike. Candidates should therefore come to some judgement about the nature and extent of effects, as well as the relative importance of each factor. They can also be expected to show how effects were linked. There is likely to be focus on some of the following: the impact on the financial position of miners, unions, the TUC and the Labour Party; splits in the Labour Party; a strengthening of the position of employers and Baldwin's Conservative government; the changing economic context. The response should display a cogent, well structured and sustained argument that avoids drift towards irrelevance.

Exemplar Question

  1. Assess the impact of the 1926 General Strike on the economy and politics. [50 marks]