OCR - AS GCE European and World History Period Studies F 962

Unit 1 Democracy and Dictatorship: Italy, 1896-1943

Teaching Activities

Try the following with your students:

  1. Using the two exemplar essays, discuss the importance and purpose of essay planning in successfully answering an AS essay question. What makes a good plan?
  2. Compare the introductions and/or conclusions of the two exemplar essays. Which is the more effective and why?
  3. Both essays refer to a number of areas of economic policy. What is meant by 'economic policy'? Which areas would you include and which would you exclude? Should an essay on economic policy include the 'battle for births', for example?
  4. Lead a discussion about the criteria by which success can be measured. You could take the introduction to the second essay as a starting point. Then ask your students to gather information and points relevant to each of the criteria you have identified. What 'pattern of success' emerges? Can this be transferred into a clear line of argument? For example, could it be argued that, whilst Mussolini's economic policies cannot be deemed a success for the Italian people, specific industries did benefit and, as far as Mussolini was concerned, his policies helped consolidate his position and power?
  5. The comments on the first exemplar essay referred to the 'Yes ... but ... so' approach to a 'How successful?' type essay. Divide your students into groups and get them to research different areas of economic policy - agriculture, industry, currency, trade, corporate state, etc. and produce evidence/points in three columns headed 'Yes', 'But' and 'So' (the third column would contain their conclusions on their research area).