AQA – AS GCE Change and Consolidation Unit 1 HIS1H

Tsarist Russia, 1855–1917

Essay Question 1 (01)

Examiner’s Specific Advice

This question is testing your knowledge and your ability to communicate it effectively. It is important that you do both. The key words in this exemplar question are ‘Explain why’, ‘failed’ and ‘satisfy reformers’. It is not enough just to describe events – that will earn very few marks. You need to explain the reasons why the Dumas did not satisfy reformers, and if possible make links between the reasons, showing perspective and understanding. If you do that well, you should get a high level. There is no need to write a full essay – two or three paragraphs should be sufficient.

Exemplar Question

1 (01) Explain why the first two Dumas failed to satisfy reformers in Russia. [12 marks]


  • Identify context of the Dumas – why they were set up
  • What the Dumas did
  • Why reformers were not satisfied
  • Conclusion – any links?