AQA - AS GCE Historical Issues: Periods of Change Unit 2 HIS2M

Life in Nazi Germany, 1933–1945

Essay Question 2 (04)

Examiner’s Specific Advice

This question is testing several skills and also your knowledge of the topic. It is not a source-based question. Because the question is on a fundamental topic, you are expected to know the main details of events, in this case Nazi policies and their impact in 1933 and 1934. You are also being required to provide a historical explanation and make a substantiated judgement about the impact.

As always with an essay-type question, relevance is the key – your answer can be reasonably concise as long as you address the precise question. Relevance is more important than elegance of style – do not over worry about presenting your work with neat introductions and conclusions, especially if you are writing under examination conditions.

There are different ways of approaching the question. One might be a chronological approach, beginning in January 1933 and ending at the end of 1934. Another approach could be to consider the Nazi position in January 1933, then go to 1934 to consider the degree of Nazi control then, and what if anything had changed in between times, and then go back and fill in the gaps. The key thing is not to narrate and describe, but keep the precise question in mind: to what extent was Hitler eliminating threats to his control? How far did he succeed? Was there a difference between control over the Nazi Party and Hitler’s control over Germany? What were the threats to his control? If you use these approaches, you will earn higher marks.

Most importantly, do make a judgement and back it up with evidence, either with a concluding paragraph or throughout the essay.

You might find it advisable for an essay-type answer of this sort to have a plan, since you will almost certainly be writing several paragraphs.

Exemplar Question

2 (04) ) ‘By the end of 1934, Hitler had eliminated all threats to his control over Germany.’
Explain why you agree or disagree with this view.  [24 marks]


  • Introduction
  • Hitler’s power in January 1933
  • Hitler’s power at end of 1934
  • Key stages: Reichstag fire; political parties; trade unions; education; relations with churches
  • What were the threats? – 1934 Purge
  • Role of army
  • Other factors – economic success; raising Germany’s prestige;
  • Hitler’s authority over colleagues
  • Conclusion