AQA - AS GCE Historical Issues: Periods of Change Unit 2 HIS2B

AQA: Unit 2: Struggle for Supremacy 1529-1547

Essay Question 2 (03)

Examiner’s Specific Advice

This question is testing your knowledge and your ability to communicate it effectively. Do both!

The key words are ‘explain why’ and ‘divorce from Catherine of Aragon’ in the context of the later 1520s. It is not enough just to describe events. You need to explain the reasons why Henry VIII took this drastic decision. If possible, make links between the reasons. With very limited time available, you need not write a full essay – several well-focused paragraphs should be sufficient. An introduction is a luxury you cannot afford, but a short conclusion is essential.

Exemplar Question

2 (03) Explain why in the later 1520s Henry VIII wanted to get a divorce from Catherine of Aragon. [12 marks]


  • The need for a male heir – only a daughter
  • The view in Leviticus and Catherine’s earlier marriage to Arthur
  • Only had eyes for Anne Boleyn
  • Conclusion: the main reason?