AQA - AS GCE Historical Issues: Periods of Change Unit 2 HIS20

AQA: The Impact of Chairman Mao: China, 1946-1976

Essay Question 1 (02)

Examiner’s Specific Advice

As with the previous question, take note of the instruction to use both the sources and your own knowledge. If you omit either one of these elements in your answer you will not be able to get a high mark. Your references to the sources should be clearly indicated in your text, e.g. ‘Source A states that …’, and you should refer to all three sources in your answer. The question is about the reasons why the Communists won the Civil War, some of which are clearly referred to in the sources. Source C gives the clear view that the key factor in the Communist victory was morale. Sources A and B also mention the morale of the soldiers on both sides but both offer a number of other possible reasons. From your own knowledge you should be able to add to these reasons and thereby produce an answer that has both range and balance, two key elements in the requirements for the higher levels. To reach the highest level you must offer a judgement and in your conclusion state whether, on the basis of the evidence you have provided in your answer, the superior morale of the Communist troops was the most important factor in their victory.

Exemplar Question

Read the sources and then answer the questions that follow.

Use Sources A, B and C and your own knowledge.

1 (02) How far was the Communist victory in the Civil War in 1949 due to the superior morale of the Communist soldiers?
[24 marks]


  • Introduction – range of factors involved in Communist victory.
  • What the sources say about the importance of morale, supported by contextual knowledge.
  • What the sources say about other factors contributing to victory, supported by contextual knowledge.
  • Conclusion – how important was morale as a factor?

View Exemplar Answer 1